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A House Divided…

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” –Abraham Lincoln
Pain killer…Check. Anti-inflammatory…Check. Anti-anxiety…Check. Antidepressant…Check.
And that’s just breakfast!

For many, starting the day by downing a handful of pills has become the norm, a natural accompaniment to their eggs and toast. You take pills because you are taught to, and that’s what most people are accustomed to. Because somehow the drugs are supposed to wipe the slate clean and zero out your not so healthy lifestyle choices. Inherently you know that the drugs are not the best thing for you, but you figure that you can settle for good enough if the pills can help you just get by. There is a reason that every drug or pill that you are prescribed comes with a list of side effects and warnings. Continually putting foreign/toxic substances into your body over the long run often creates more illness than health. continue reading »

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