- Acupuncture & Natural Health Solutions2355 Vanderbilt Beach Rd
Suite 146
Naples, FL 34109(239) 260-4566 Dispensary
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This acupuncture has changed my life.
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TuiNa Massage in Naples Florida
Experience a TuiNa Massage in Naples Florida Today!
If you are thinking about getting massage in Naples, you might want to consider trying TuiNa. TuiNa is the form of Asian bodywork therapy that most closely resembles conventional western massage. Many of the techniques are similar between the two styles, the big difference is the intent. The intention of a Swedish massage is relaxation and the intention of TuiNa is to heal an area of imbalance in the body. Tui means “to push” and na means “to pluck” and dates back to 1700 BC. TuiNa is usually a bit more aggressive and works on a deep muscular level as well as the energetic level of the body. TuiNa uses the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to balance the energy, or Qi (pronounced “chee”), of the body in order to relieve pain and reverse illness. continue reading
Acupuncture: Not Just Needles
Most people have heard of the field of acupuncture by now, but did you realize the scope of the practice encompasses Chinese medicine, which includes so much more than needles? Let’s explore this ancient therapy.
First of all, the practice of Chinese medicine starts with a diagnosis. The practitioner asks many questions to build a history; this includes the answers to digestion, appetite, diet, sleep patterns, bowel movement urination, pain, lifestyle, and stress level, for example. The acupuncturist will also be noting the voice pitch, hair luster, skin color and tone, as well as posture and mood of the patient and any significant odor. After that, there is a pulse and tongue analysis to determine where the pattern and root are, primarily. Finally, blood pressure is measured and other applicable tests done, including palpation of the body. After this history, a diagnosis and treatment plan is determined. What might be included in this plan? continue reading