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Tag Archives: moxibustion

What is Moxibustion?

You might have heard your acupuncturist mention Moxibustion as a treatment option. This unfamiliar term needs some definition and clarification for most. So, what is it? Moxibustion is defined as a form of heat therapy that involves burning the dried moxa plant and leaving it on or very near the skin’s surface, thus promoting the flow of “qi” and

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Moxibustion and Dysmenorrhea

A study conducted by Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has determined that the use of moxibustion at specific days during a woman’s menstrual cycle can decrease pain associated with menstruation. Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation is a big problem for many women. This study used moxibustion, an accessory modality of TCM, to treat the pain associated with menstruation. The

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Acupuncture: Not Just Needles

Most people have heard of the field of acupuncture by now, but did you realize the scope of the practice encompasses Chinese medicine, which includes so much more than needles? Let’s explore this ancient therapy.

First of all, the practice of Chinese medicine starts with a diagnosis. The practitioner asks many questions to build a history; this includes

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