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When I Stood Up and My Pain Was Gone!

It’s so hard to put into words how amazing Dr Toni is! Not only is she super nice, extremely sweet, tremendously kind, and very very smart – she is also very intuitive about the issues that bring people into her office. My visit started out with her asking me a series of questions before she even started to treat me – questions that made me think about the way my body was feeling…which prompted me to recognize possible causes for my issues. Then the amazing treatment began. She knew exactly where to place each pillow for maximum comfort so that I could completely relax during my treatment. Then she inserted the tiny – tiny needles that I never even felt and she asked if I was comfortable before leaving me to relax for the designated amount of time. The treatment room was very clean, very comfortable, very cozy, had good energy, good music, and a plug so I could charge my phone (on silent) while my treatment was going on. 🙂 After what felt like only a few moments, she came back to check on me, to make sure I was still comfortable – I was – so she left me again. When she returned the next time – it was time to take the needles out – I really could not believe so much time had passed! I felt so relaxed and so comfortable! And, I was pleasantly surprised when I stood up and my pain was gone!! Up until that point, I had non-stop pain for close to a year – and “just like that” – no pain! That night I slept better than I had in a very long time. The treatment lasted for about 3 wks before the pain started creeping back in – but must less than before. Now, the perfect solution would be for me to schedule another treatment with Dr Toni – but, unfortunately, that is not possible right now because I live in Ohio and Dr Toni is in beautiful Florida. Yes – I traveled to Florida to see Dr Toni! Well – I needed to go to Northern FL for a specific purpose, but scheduled a day to drive down to Southern FL – just to meet with Dr Toni! She truly is THAT amazing! If you haven’t already – schedule an appt with her soon – you’ll thank me later! Did I mention that Dr Toni is amazing?!!

— Lynn R. Elyria, OH

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