- Acupuncture & Natural Health Solutions2355 Vanderbilt Beach Rd
Suite 146
Naples, FL 34109(239) 260-4566 Dispensary
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Toni saved my life. I had really bad eczema and spent a couple years back and forth in Dermatology offices. They were treating me with steroid topical’s and steroid injections. Nothing was helping! I got worse. I was itching and had hives all over my body. My skin was inflamed so badly it hurt when I touched it. I couldn’t sleep at night since I was having uncontrollable itching. I was so tired from lack of sleep and my anxiety
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Traditional Chinese Medicine
Seven Ways Acupuncture Can Help Men’s Health
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that has been around for nearly 3,000 years. It combines nutrition, herbs, acupuncture and other modalities to help keep the body functioning properly, while also treating any ailments that might occur. TCM has been used to treat both men and women, regardless of their age, and TCM is frequently becoming the medical choice for those who prefer to use holistic forms of medicine to heal themselves. continue reading
TCM and Libido in Men
If your love life is lackluster, have you considered Traditional Chinese medicine to help a sagging libido? Acupuncture and herbal formulas may just be the ticket to improve your sex life and reignite your fire. continue reading
Acupuncture and TCM for Sprains and Strains
We’ve all heard of and maybe even experienced a sprain or a strain. But do you really know the difference? A sprain is defined as a stretch or tear of a ligament. A strain, on the other hand, is defined as an injury to a muscle or tendon. Sprains can result from a fall, a sudden twist or a blow to the body that forces a joint out of place, while a strain can happen from twisting or pulling a muscle or tendon. continue reading
Herbal Tonics for Allergies
An allergy occurs when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance, called an allergen. This could be anything from something you inhale to something you touch to something you eat. An allergic reaction may cause sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, a running nose, a sore throat and rashes. In severe cases, allergic reactions can induce something known as anaphylactic shock, which can actually be deadly. continue reading
Five Reasons to Get Acupuncture for Allergies
Allergies, seasonal or otherwise, is one of the biggest health issues people deal with in the United States. And the numbers are rising every year. Part of this is because our agricultural practices have changed drastically in the past 40 years and our bodies are not accustomed to dealing with genetically modified foods or the excessive amounts of pesticides now being put in and on our food. We are also being over-medicated with antibiotics used in livestock we eat and that we are prescribed by our own doctors. This has created superbugs like MRSA that no longer responding to antibiotics. Our immune systems just can’t keep up. So every year, the number of people experiencing allergies is increasing. continue reading